ORIANE PICHUÈQUE             Fr/En 
︎︎︎ orianepichueque@gmail.com
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︎︎︎ Are.na                                                                                      
ORIANE PICHUÈQUE             Fr/En

︎︎︎ orianepichueque@gmail.com
︎︎︎ À propos / About
︎︎︎ Are.na

Google, thank you for helping me remember my childhood. April 2008

Google, thank you for helping me remember my childhood. April 2008 is a desktop documentary that evokes the artist's childhood memories through the window of Google Street View, a tool that has become both a mechanical archive and a map of our lives.

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Visit of one mining container, in the jungle

This graphic publication highlights the ecological impact of the Bitcoin blockchain, specifically focusing on the case of cryptocurrency mining within Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was created in collaboration with the B.I.M. collective.

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Automatic Listening and the Panacousticon

The emergence of smart devices equipped with microphones, whose usage is becoming increasingly common, calls for updated scrutiny. Auditory surveillance is being organized within our acoustic spaces through digital infrastructures, whose operations remain deliberately concealed from us—obscure and impenetrable. At first glance, the use of these technologies may seem fairly benign, but I wanted to delve deeper into what this constant machine eavesdropping entails, which the French philosopher Peter Szendy refers to as "panacoustic."

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Sonoscopy of a Panacoustic

It seemed relevant to create an audio thesis given the nature of my subject. I recorded myself reading my thesis in different sound environments. I then submitted the audio files to a sound recognition software, the central object of my diploma project, and its textual interpretation is the sole composition of the thesis pages.

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SEARCH BAR #2 Imaginaries of the Blockchain

Blockchain in Media (B.I.M.) is a research program originating from the ECOLAB research unit at ESAD Orléans, focused on investigating the design of time through the lens of blockchain design. Commonly used to develop cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, blockchain, or "block chain," refers to a digital transaction storage technology that is, in principle, immutable and tamper-proof, with far-reaching applications.

As part of the Search_Bar#2 exhibition at the Orléans Theater, a wall mural was created in collaboration with the B.I.M. research program. This mural represents the imaginaries surrounding blockchain, particularly focusing on Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

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Sept. - Oct. 2021

I have read and accept the terms and conditions of use

Created as part of the National Art Diploma.

Lately, I've had a strange feeling that my computer and smartphone are spying on me. When I consider buying something, the object in question seems to follow me everywhere online. I receive notifications that make me suspicious: 'You have arrived home,' says Facebook as soon as I walk through my door. Yet, I don’t recall giving Facebook my address, nor authorizing this type of notification. These observations make me fear a loss of control over the personal data we often share without even realizing it.

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I have read and accept the terms and conditions of use

An average reader can read between 200 and 250 words per minute, while the terms and conditions of a website average 11,900 words. This represents an hour of reading. These terms are legal contracts between the user and the provider and are enforceable by law. But who actually reads these conditions?

This project raises questions about the dominance of digital giants and the ways we interact with them today, as well as the consequences of these interactions. The use of our personal data, detailed in the terms and conditions, is a subject of debate regarding the intentions behind its collection. Materializing the immaterial allows us to become aware of a world we think exists in the 'cloud,' while its environmental and behavioral impact is very real.

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Gray Areas

Grayish landscapes reveal French countryside dotted with solitary iron figures accessorized with strange white boxes. Adorned with colorful cables, these figures provide citizens with access to a land of freedoms: the Internet.

It was after discovering Jürgen Nefzger's "Fluffy Clouds" project that my photographs took shape. In his work, the artist explores European landscapes in the context of nuclear power plants, creating an inventory of these sites. Taking a similar approach, I aim to question and provoke a response to the proliferation of antennas in the French landscape.

2G, 3G, 4G, 4G+, 4G++, and soon 5G; aren’t these megahertz emissions dangerous for our health and that of other living beings? Scientists are still investigating, while these figures spring up from the ground like mushrooms.

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Women Too

Although the tech world is predominantly male today, women represented between 30% and 50% of the workforce in the 1950s, and in 1986, 37% of computer science students were women.

Based on this observation, this edition profiles six female programmers who have shaped the modern computing world.

Created in collaboration with Lindsay Beauchemin.

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